Pavilions for Music
Bringing Bandstands Back to Life
Database of Existing Bandstands

Sadly, this database has been lost as part of the migration of domain provider from VistaPrint to Wix and will need to be re-provided.
It was developed to assist community groups to find a bandstand nearby, giving its location (with postcode but NB occasionally nearest street), who manages it (usually a Local Authority) and how to contact them. Most are within parks so managed by a parks management team or in some cases Leisure / Community Services. Some Local Authorities also have events managers but either way, most Customer Services will know who to put you through to. The aim is to keep this up to date and if any are incorrect or change, please email me on prabbitts@hotmail.co.uk. I have also added images of all these bandstands to the gallery.
This is also an excellent link to use for finding band concerts in parks which I have just discovered. www.bandsinthepark.org.uk . Its really useful and worth a look at.